XI International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2016
3-5 November 2016, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Symposium is sponsored by IEEE Industry Applications Society and IEEE Power Electronics Society

Instructions for Authors

The paper should contain original results of research that are related to the theory, design, implementation, application, exploitation, maintenance or evaluation aspects of the Symposium main topics. Only the papers that have not been published or presented in any way will be accepted for this Symposium.

The Guidelines for the Oral Session

The presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer running Microsoft Windows and a video projector. Acceptable presentation formats are PPT and PDF. The presenting authors should arrive at the session room at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. This timeframe is sufficient for copying the presentations on the computer and meeting the session chair. The total time is limited to 30 minutes for invited papers and 15 minutes for regular papers. The presentation time for regular papers should be maximum 12 minutes which leaves 2-3 minutes for some questions and discussion. As there will be several parallel sessions, please manage your presentation time precisely and therefore allow the conference attendees possibility to combine presentations from different sessions.

The Guidelines for the Poster Session

The recommended format for the posters is A1 (or approximately 85×60cm). Please use a portrait rather than landscape paper orientation. Avoid making significantly smaller posters and especially do not use a printed copy of the paper instead of the poster. Do not overcrowd the poster and therefore show the crucial contributions of your work. Keep from using "all uppercase" formulations and use bold for emphasis instead. The presentation of graphs and photos in color are encouraged. The large blocks of small text should be avoided. The authors are advised to set up their posters at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. Only the presented papers will be included in the Symposium proceedings.


Silver sponsor

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