XI International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2016
3-5 November 2016, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Symposium is sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE Power Electronics Society

Travel Information

There are a couple of ways to get to Banja Luka:

By a plane

There are a plane connections between Banja Luka and cities in Europe and Northern Africa across Nikola Tesla airport (SRB). You can check the timetable here. Banja Luka airport is twenty-three kilometers away from the Banja Luka downtown.

By a bus

Via Zagreb

There is a very good bus connection between Banja Luka and Zagreb (CRO), with eight departures a day. Check the Zagreb Bus Station website to see the timetable. The trip can take from 2.5 to 4 hours, depending on the route the bus is traveling.

Via Belgrade

There are as much as 16 daily buses from Belgrade to Banja Luka. The trip can take between 5 and 8 hours, depending on the route the bus is traveling. You can check the current timetable on the Belgrade Bus Station website.

Via Sarajevo

There are five daily buses from Sarajevo to Banja Luka, departing at 9:15, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30 and 18:30. The trip takes about 5 hours.

By a train

There are direct train connections to Banja Luka from Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo.  You can check the timetable here.

Local travel

Public transport

All information of public transport you can view here.


Banja Luka has nine registered associations and two companies to perform taxi transport. Names of associations and their contact phones are:

- Big taxi (phone: 1511),

- Banjalučki taxi (phone: 1544),

- Ideal taxi (phone: 1545),

- Bel taxi (phone: 1550),

- Radio Bel taxi (phone: 1550),

- Maxi taxi (phone: 1551),

- Euro taxi (phone: 1555),

- Mobil taxi (phone: 1566) and

- Hallo taxi (phone: 065/561-955).

Two taxi company are:

- "Avala A" a. d. (phone: 1500) and

- "Patrol taksi" d. o. o. (phone: 1533).

Prices per start is about 2 BAM (1 EUR), ride per 1 km is about 1,50 BAM (0.75 EUR) and waiting is 15 BAM (7.50 EUR) per 1 hour.



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