XII International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2018
1-3 November 2018, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Symposium is sponsored by IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society and IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

About Symposium

The first symposium INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS - INDEL was held in 1997, and since 1998 it is organized every even year in the first half of November. So far, 461 papers were presented, which in average means 51 presented papers per Symposium. All presented papers were printed in the Symposium Proceedings. The following topics, in the area of application of electrical engineering and information and communication technologies in industry, are covered by the Symposium: materials and components, power electronics, circuits and systems, electrical machines and drives, measurement methods and systems, signal processing, modelling, identification and process control, renewable energy, signal processing in electric power, and information technologies. Since 2012, the Symposium also covers the topic of energy efficiency.

The first Symposium (INDEL 1997) was held on national level, whereas since 2010 the Symposium is under IEEE technical co-sponsorship. Highly respected scientists from all around the world (all ex-Yugoslavia states, USA, England, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria) are in the Symposium Program Committee. At the 9th INDEL - 2012 authors from Austria, B&H, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Great Britain, and the USA, presented their papers. The 10th International Symposium Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2014 was held in Banja Luka on November, 6-8, 2014. The Symposium was organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, and under the auspices of Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Srpska Government. The Symposium was organized under the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina Section.

All papers were reviewed, and since 2010 every accepted paper has to have two positive reviews.

The speech about 50 years of electronics in Banja Luka was given by prof. dr Branko Dokic. Notes from that speech, are comprised in the following:

''Essentially, development of electronics in Banja Luka has started a little more than fifty years ago, with engineers which were brought to Banja Luka from bigger centres of the former Yugoslavia. Finest years of electronics in Banja Luka were the eighties of the last century, when ''Cajavec'' and ''Kosmos'', together had about 12000 employees. In Banja Luka, the first Yugoslav microelectronics circuits and microprocessor were produced. Further, Banja Luka was the place where radar systems, specialized computer and communications devices, electronic devices for households, automobile equipment, medical equipment, measuring devices, detectors, etc. were designed and produced. ''Cajavec'' had a share of approximately 45% of military electronics market in former Yugoslavia. Beginning of dissolution of SFRY is, at the same time, the beginning of decline of electronic devices production. Four year long war left numerous consequences. There was a significant loss of domestic and especially foreign markets. Also, the pace of technological development was lost. Inappropriate and irresponsible concept of economy transition just speeded up the fall. In what where production facilities and scientific research laboratories of ''Cajavec'' and ''Kosmos'', today there are private faculties, universities, various schools, wedding and funeral saloons, etc. Out of three institutions that carried the development of electronics in Banja Luka, just the Faculty of Electrical Engineering has remained. The first beginning was in the overall poverty and without educated professionals, but those were the times rich with enthusiasm of the youth, fully aware that it had to work on itself. Today we have professionals, but we live in the time without enthusiasm, when we wait for somebody to some form outside and to invest in the development of modern technologies. The sooner we get rid of this misconception and unite individual enthusiasms and turn to ourselves, the sooner we will have a new beginning and see a new beauty of modern technologies. Is this enough for a new beginning and a long expected rise?''

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