XII International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - INDEL 2018
1-3 November 2018, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Symposium is sponsored by IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society and IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Instructions for Authors

The paper should contain original results of research that are related to the theory, design, implementation, application, exploitation, maintenance or evaluation aspects of the Symposium main topics. Only the papers that have not been published or presented in any way will be accepted for this Symposium.

Manuscript Preparation

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (6 pages max).

The authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the IEEE Conference Template. Manuscripts are to be written in English language. Only PDF format A4 is allowed for submission of the manuscript.

The manuscripts should be submitted through the on-line submission system which will be available on this web site in 2018.

Camera-ready Papers

After the review, authors of accepted papers will be invited to fill the IEEE Copyright Form and submit camera ready papers compliant with PDF eXpress. Detailed instructions for preparing camera ready papers will be available on this web site after the review process is completed.

For all accepted papers, the registration fee must be paid before the submission of camera ready paper. Each paper must have at least one author associated with it who has paid the regular or student registration fee


Organized by

under the
co-sponsorship of

under the
auspices of